The Legal Malpractice Law Review is pleased to announce that:
1. Professor Susan Saab Fortney of Texas Tech University School of Law has joined our Editorial Board. Professor Fortney is co-author of LEGAL MALPRACTICE LAW: Problems and Prevention (Thomson/West, 2008), the first law school level casebook in its field.
2. Law Students in Texas Tech Law School’s legal malpractice course have joined with Hofstra Law School students to help build our archive of case summaries so as to provide an ongoing supply of content for readers of the Legal Malpractice Law Review.
3. Our list of outside content Contributors continues to grow, with more and more lawyer professional liability practitioners from across the country wanting to contribute.
4. The Legal Malpractice Law Review went live less than 6 month ago. We are approaching 25,000 visits ("hits") from new and repeat readers.
5. Legal Malpractice Law Review appears to have become the premier one-stop site for anything and everything pertaining to the law governing lawyers.
Please let us know if there is any way we can make the Legal Malpractice Law Review better and more useful to you. Just go to the "Contact Us" box to the left.
Tagged with: Must Reads
Posted in: Must Reads